Zacke Introduction

My name is Zackarias, called Zacke and is 16 years old. I am Xanath Roleplay's current owner, I have been working in this community for many years now, since Mikeal was the owner. I look forward to the server and know that I will be able to develop the server!
What I am most grateful is that the server has been able to stay up for as long as it has done! Thank you, Mikael, Jonathan for creating my absolute favorite community.
Also want to thank former owners Crudepeach, GamigxMayhem, Rambo, Jaay & Doge!

Xanath has gone up and down the last month. But now there will be changes to it, we will offer what the server once offered. Open 24/7, active and good staffs. We will keep Xanath as it used to be, but of course we will update!
I'm sure you will enjoy the server, I'm so thankful for this, this will be a really fun time at Xanath. You who have donated, you will keep your rankings even customjobs! Will also keep the staff team if they are still interested in being staff!